Angry Calls page 2
Just when I start to think this situation is on its way to getting resolved we suffer a setback. A Providian drone calls me to inform me that I am over my credit line.
I told her that wasnt possible because I currently have an unresolved dispute. Let the fun begin again...
NOTE: These recordings are continuous except for the silencing of sensitive information like credit card number, telephone number and Last 4 SS# touch-tones. No other modifying, editing or tampering has been done what-so-ever.
 (Click Rebecca
to hear our
phone call.) |
I immediately called my dear friend and personal pal Mr. Louden. He is not in so I get his voicemail. I tell him that I am getting calls about being over limit and that he needs to call me back.
March 18, 2003: Rebecca calls me from Providian Financial. She tells me that from what she gathers some fees have been reversed. I try to explain that weve been down this road before. Credits that only end up be reversed.
She also said that the file was closed and that interest charges are now accruing. Mr. Louden is unavailable. I explain to her that I am not going to pay for fraudulent charges whether they were 1 month, 10 months ago or 10 years ago. No matter how bad Providian has screwed this up.
At this point I dispute my remaining balance and request copies of all signed tickets, security agreements, sales drafts. I ask if I can expect to receive these items within the next 25 days. Rebecca assures me that there is no problem providing the records to me within 25 days. This call took place March 18, 2003. They basically have until April 12th, 2003 to provide me with documentation on all purchases or my entire balance is in dispute. Any transactions they do not have signatures for I do not plan on paying.
April 15, 2003 I get a call from Dennis Moore from Providian. Dennis is another of Providians mindless, robot drones that knows only a few phrases. They are:
- This will just take care of the minimum payment on the account...
- I will notate the account that...
- We look for things to make us go... (This phrase was not spoken during this call, but it is his favorite phrase so I though I would share it with you.)
 (Click Dennis)
to hear the
call he made to me |
I try to explain to this guy that I am going to send a settlement offer to Providian. First he tries to tell me that he is not making me a settlement offer. Then I remind him that *I* am the one making the offer. They have the obligation to either accept the offer or reject the offer.
After telling Providian what I am doing twice on the telephone and twice in writing they are still hell bent on pursuing a balance after cashing my check marked Settlement in Full.
I get a call on June 10, 2003 from George David. Mr. David is yet another mindless, robot drone. Hes trying to collect on my balance?.
 (Click George)
to hear the
call he made to me |
God must be testing me big time or something because this situation has just been impossible from day one. Unfortunately I think I flunked the test. I sort of lost it at the end of this call.
This issue is going on 2 years now and we are still getting nowhere fast. Every call is the same old blather. My call with George ends with me getting extremely angry with him (basically with Providian) although George was sort of irritating me a little personally as well.
I ask this guy a dozen times if he understands what I am saying or not. It is a Yes or No question. George refuses to answer though. Talking to this guy is like watching Charley Rangel on Hannity and Colmes. George has got to be a liberal Democrat based on the way he dodges questions and continually veers off the issue.
I hold no grudges and would gladly apologize to George if and when we talk again. Hey George, if youre out there buddy I apologize for yelling at you. I did a pretty lousy job of holding my temper after the dozens of fruitless calls to Providian. Its like talking to a brick wall. Isnt it weird when we start to use sayings that our parents used when we were kids. That sounds so weird, like talking to a brick wall.
Dont forget that I made dozens of civilized telephone calls to Providian. The calls available here to listen to all took place after countless nice calls that achieved nothing.
 (Click Brenda Narcisse
to hear our
telephone call.)
Well. This is it. June 12, 2003. The last call ever with Providian. Right? Im not holding my breath. This is my call with Brenda Narcisse. Yet one more Providian Employee that promises to send me my security agreement. This call doesnt have near the fireworks (none actually) that the rest of the calls have had. I am just glad I don't have to talk to them again! Well see for how long.
Ms Narcisses letter arrives July 1, 2003. It is bogus in that it claims I have been sent a document dated 2/99 which I have never seen before. All I got was a partial copy of ONE side of the alleged application. Anyway, here it is:
 (This is my letter from Ms. Narcisse.)
August 5, 2003 I send off a firestorm of letters, complaints, etc, etc. Here is the letter sent to our good friend Brenda
Here is the final letter I plan on ever sending Providian (This is my final letter to Ms. Narcisse.)
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